Sign business documents digitally and in compliance with legal requirements
Digital signatures let you act faster any time, anywhere, leaving your competition in the dust. Digitisation allows you to streamline your processes, saving both time and money. And of course, you can also ensure compliance with eIDAS, ZertES and GDPR.
Kendox actaSIGN Service
actaSIGN is a cloud-based solution for signing digital documents. It works on any device with a modern web browser. actaSIGN homogenises media formats and enables simple, process-based collaboration between internal and external staff.
Swisscom Trust Services
The advanced, highly effective certificates for the actaSIGN service are based on the Swisscom standard. Swisscom is an internationally recognised certificate service provider (registration authority, RA) which can issue certificates in line with both
EU and Swiss standards.
Integrate with InfoShare
Kendox actaSIGN is a variant of actaSIGN (from Axelity AG) which is integrated with Kendox InfoShare. The integration makes it possible to hand over documents from Kendox InfoShare to the signature service and for InfoShare to receive the results of the signature process afterwards.
Application areas
The Kendox actaSIGN service is a key tool that allows businesses and institutions to compete more effectively and perform business transactions using next-generation technology.